Monday, August 31, 2009

Sloan Core Day 1

The vacation is over! It's back on to work on campus for the fall. However, before the classes get cranked up to full force we have another week long orientation. Today was introductions and high level structure of the MBA core semester. We did a number of "high intensity" ice breakers to get everyone introduced, followed by breaking into our teams. We met both our large cohort of about 60 people, or ocean (I'm Pacific), that we'll take our core classes with and our small teams, of 6-7 people that we'll spend a LOT of time with.

We've only just scratched the surface, but I have a great feeling about my team. If my team is any reflection of the larger population, the Sloan administration certainly put in their time maximizing diversity. We're diverse to say the least, across origins, industries and backgrounds. Speaking of origins we cover Korea, Russia, Columbia, Canada, India and the U.S. For backgrounds we cover the gamut of marketing, investment banking, consulting, operations, computer science and supply chain. We still have a lot of planning to do and expectations to set, but we are on the path to success.

More details to come, it's off to the cohort mixer for me (at the bar)!



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