Monday, July 20, 2009

Hello World!

Welcome to my corner of the LGO experience!

My name is Steve Wessels and I just joined the MIT Leaders for Global Operations (LGO) Class of 2011 in June. Over the next few years I hope to share some of my experiences and potentially those of my cohorts as we make our way through the expedition that is LGO.

A word of caution... don't expect these entries to be masterpieces in American literature. Combine the facts that a.) I'm an engineer and b.) I'm an engineer and you'll likely see more than a few gramatikul mestakes. That being said, I hope to post early and often to give you a light (and probably incredibly dry humored) recount of whatever passes through my mind at the keyboard.

Obviously I'm already a little behind, as it is already the 13th of July and we've got six weeks of prime LGO learning to get caught up on. Without further delay... let the blogging begin.



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